In this video, I’m remaking one of my very first woodworking projects from way back in 1988. I made the original wooden goose for my mom using Northeast Sugar Pine and that piece is still in use as both a decoration and for storage on the table. I figured I'd make another goose for my wife at our house and I decided to go with Poplar wood and used the Bernzomatic TS8000 Torch to create the patina wood finish. After darkening the wood with the torch, I applied a thin coat of orange shellac followed by a hand rubbed finish with Briwax and then Wool Lube paste. The burnt wood finish turned out great and this is a perfect intro to woodworking project and a nice father-son or daughter project.
Here’s the how-to video along with the step-by-step how-to instructions:Remaking one of MY First Projects – Simple DIY Woodworking